I Survived
I went for my annual mammogram and was informed that I had a lump in my breast. I had to get a biopsy done and it was confirmed that I had the breast cancer. It was in the 1st stage. I was devastated and wondered to myself, what am I going to do? I was overwhelmed with the thought that I had cancer. Coming out of the doctor’s office my sister-in-law and I was calling on Jesus. I did not fall apart because I had God on my side and I believed Him. I did not drink or smoke or charge God foolishly. Everyone was giving me advice. Thank God, I had a praying pastor and church family.
At the time, I was diagnosed, my husband was being treated for sarcoidosis. I had my surgery, went through chemotherapy, and radiation. During this time, I was still working as a CAN and doing doubles. I worked from 2 pm – 10 pm and 10 pm – 6 am three and sometimes four times a week all while taking care of my husband.
Sometimes, we face things and don’t know exactly where the strength to go through will come from, but we serve a God that knows and loves us all. God gave me the strength to work and take care of my husband. Another thing, while I was undergoing my treatment, I didn’t lose my hair. I then went through the five year after chemo medication and now, I am CANCER FREE!
We don’t all have the same stories and/or experiences, but we do have a God that we can trust. A God that we can lean and depend on in our times of trouble. Hold on to your faith and if you don’t have faith, just a mustard seed portion will do. God can and will see you through. Be encouraged!
To God Be All The Glory!!